Rooftop Solar Installations

Rooftop solar installations tend to be the most sensible and sought-after option.   They often have plenty of exposure to the sun, and they’re out of the way.   Plus they make excellent use of, what would otherwise be, a lot of unutilized space.

You may install roof-mounted solar panels for use at your own residence or business, as well as on outbuildings, barns, sheds, garages, and car ports.

Which Roof Styles Work Best For Solar Installations?

Just about any style roof is perfectly suitable for solar installation.  This includes gable, hip, gambrel and even combination style roofs.  

It’s a routine procedure for solar engineers to split panels into multiple sections, adapting to the roofline.  Our team will work with you to to develop a custom system that will work around obstructions, such as box vents, skylights, and pipe boots.

What Roof Pitch is Best for Solar Installations?

Believe it or not, the optimal angle for solar panel installation depends on your latitude position.  In this area of the country, the best year-round placement is at about 40 degrees.   

Fortunately, your installer can angle your solar panels independently of your roof pitch. 

There are some other reasons why having a pitched roof is ideal for your installation though of course.  For instance, it can help keep snow and ice clear of your panels.  Ice build-up can damage panels and interfere with energy production. 

Which Roof Slope Orientation Is Best For Installation?

Solar panels should always face south to allow for maximum sun exposure.  Obviously, if you live in the US, the sun will always be on the southern half of the sky, whether it be rising or setting.  

When beginning your consultation, one of the first questions our team will ask you is about the age and condition of your roof.  If you’re going to repair or replace your roof, that would have to happen before we begin on the install.

We’ll then take a look at everything for you, so you’ll be armed with all the facts.  This includes everything from the direction your roof is oriented, the pitch of your roof and looking at sources of shading throughout the course of the day.

And certainly, if you aren’t comfortable with a rooftop install, we have extensive experience with ground-mounted systems.